Monday, March 17, 2008

Freedom in Forgiveness

There is something that is so freeing about being able to forgive someone. Holding on to the hurt, pain, or grudge puts heaviness in your life that can weigh down on the soul. You may not even realize it yourself, but when you are able to forgive you feel freedom that wasn't there before. Forgiveness lifts that off and allows your spirit to be free and to be free to the fullest. Forgiveness allows you to experience the true joy that would otherwise be blocked. It is a hard thing though. Especially if someone you love does the hurting. There is no 10-step program or rules to follow to be able to forgive. It's a hear things. Maybe that's why it's so hard sometimes. It also takes a realization that whatever it is doesn't really matter. It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter if someone said something behind your back. It doesn't matter if someone cheated you, if someone doesn't like you or if someone broke your heart. Not that the pain you felt didn't matter, but that the situation no longer needs to have purpose or meaning to dwell in your life! Forgiveness doesn't mean you don't still have questions, but you don't need or want the answers anymore. They don't matter. God is bigger. When you really think about it, you cheated God, you didn't like Him, you broke His heart. Yet He forgives you continuously. This isn't your show anyway. You are just along for the ride. You can't truly enjoy it if there is something holding you back. Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. And when you can bring your heart to forgive, you find amazing freedom, true joy, and a closeness to God.

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