Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Up Close and Personal

I've been reading Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. Now, I'm only three chapters in but they are talking about a women's heart and desires and the original way God made us and the way it is now (after the Fall). While I think it is good so far it's sort of hard to read. You may have to experience it for yourself to know what I'm talking about. Its one of those books for me that makes you really think about what your own heart is doing and its like looking in one of those really close up mirrors and seeing everything! Way too close! Don't get me wrong, it's good to take that close a look at yourself. You need to know who you really are. But sometimes what it reveals is not so easy to take. Not that what I see is terrible, but I see the longings and desires that I have sort of pushed down (if you've been reading for a while it may be obvious). But they are longings and desires that I know are not yet to be fulfilled. Not right now anyway.

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